Moving to nibble encoding gave us a measurable improvement in the density of the entries in the page. The problem is that we pretty much run out of room to do so. We are currently using a byte per entry to hold the size of the entry (as two nibbles, of 4 bits each). You can’t really go lower than that.
Let’s review again what we know about the structure of the data, we have an 8KB page, with three sections, fixed size header and variable size offsets and entries array. Here is what this looks like:
This is called a slotted page design. The idea is that the offset array at the bottom of the page is maintaining the sort orders of the entries, and that we can write the entries from the top of the page. When we need to sort the entries, we just need to touch the offsets array (shown in yellow in the image).
Given that we are talking about size and density, we spent a lot of time trying to reduce the size of the entries, but can we do something with the header or the offsets? The header is just 4 bytes right now, two shorts that denote the location of the bottom and the top position in the page. Given that the page is 8KB in size, we have to use 16 bits integer to cover the range. For offsets, the situation is the same. We have to be able to point to the entry location on the page, and that means that we have to reach 8KB. So the offsets are actually 16 bits ints and take two bytes.
In other words, there is a hidden overhead of 2 bytes per entry that we didn’t even consider. In the case of our latest success, we were able to push 759 entries into the page, which means that we are actually using 18.5% of the page just to hold the offsets of the entries. That is 1.48 KB that is being used.
The problem is that we need to use this. We have to be able to point to an entry anywhere in the page, which means that we have to reach 0 .. 8192. The minimum size we can use is 16 bits or two bytes.
Or do we?
16 bits gives us a range of 0 .. 65,535, after all. That is far in excess of what we need. We could use a 64KB page, but there are other reasons to want to avoid that.
To cover 8KB, we only need 13 bits to cover the range we need, after all. For that matter, we can extend that bit by 25%. If we decide that an entry should be 2 bytes aligned, we can access the entire page in 12 bits.
That means that we have 4 whole free bits to play with. The first idea is to change the offsets array from 16 bits ints to 12 bits ints. That would save us 380 bytes at 759 entries per page. That is quite a lot. Unfortunately, working with bits in this manner would be super awkward. We are doing a lot of random access and moves while we are building the page. It is possible to do this using bits, but not fun.
So we can set things up so we have a nibble free to use. We just used nibbles to save on the cost of variable size ints, to great success.
However, we don’t need just a nibble, we need two of them. We need to store the size of the key and the value in bytes. Actually, we don’t need two nibbles. The size of the key and the value maxes at 8 bytes, after all. We can encode that in 3 bits. In other words, we need 6 bits to encode this information.
We only have 4 bits, however. It is a really nice idea, however, and I kept turning that in my head, trying to come up with all sorts of clever ways to figure out how we can push 64 values in 4 bits. The impact of that would be pretty amazing.
Eventually, I realized that it is fairly easy to prove, using math, that there is no way to do so. Faced with this failure, I realigned my thinking and found a solution. I don’t need to have a perfect answer, I can have a good one.
4 bits give me a range of 16 values (out of the possible 64). If I give up on trying to solve the whole problem, can I solve a meaningful part of it?
And I came up with the following idea. We can do a two-stage approach, we’ll map the most common 15 values of key and value sizes to those 4 bits. The last value will be a marker that you have to go and look elsewhere.
Using just the data in the offset, I’m able to figure out what the location of the entry in the page is as well as the size of the key and value for most cases. For the (hopefully rare) scenarios where that is not the case, we fall back to storing the size information as two nibbles preceding the entry data.
This is a pretty neat idea, even if I say so myself, and it has a good chance to allow us to save about 1 byte per entry in the common case. In fact, I tested that and about 90% of the cases in my test case are covered by the top 15 cases. That is a pretty good indication that I’m on the right track.
All of that said, let’s look at how this looks in code:
I’m using a switch expression here for readability, so it is clear what is going on. If the key and value sizes are in one of the known patterns, we can put that in the nibble we’ll return. If the value is not, we’ll write it to the entry buffer.
The Set method itself had to change in some subtle but crucial ways, let’s look at it first, then I’ll discuss those changes:
As before, we encode the entry into a temporary buffer. Now, in addition to getting the length of the entry, we are also getting the nibble that we’ll need to store.
You can see the changes in how we work with the offsets array following that. When we need to update an existing value, we are using this construction to figure out the actual entry offset:
var actualEntryOffset = ((offsets[idx] & 0xFFF0) >> 3);
What exactly is going on here? Don’t try to figure it out yet, let’s see how we are writing the data:
top = (ushort)((top - reqEntryLen) & ~1); // align on two bytes boundaryoffsets[idx] = (ushort)(top << 3 | nibble);
Those two code snippets may look very odd, so let’s go over them in detail.
First, remember that we have an 8KB page to work with, but we need to use 4 bits for the size nibble we got from encoding the entry. To address the full 8,192 values in the page, we’ll need to reserve 13 bits. That is… a problem. We solve that by saying that the entry addresses must always be aligned on two bytes boundary. That is handled by clearing the first bit in the new top computation. Since we are growing down, that has the effect of ensuring aligned-by-two.
Then, we merge the top location and the nibble together. We know that the bottom-most of the top is cleared, so we can just move the value by 3 bits and we know that we’ve 4 cleared bits ready.
Conversely, when we want to read, we clear the first 4 bits and then we shift by three. That has the effect of returning us back to the original state.
A little bit confusing, but we managed to get to squeeze 784 entries into the page using the realistic dataset and 765 using the full one. That is another 3.5% of space savings over the previous nibble attempt and over 10% increase in capacity from the variable integer approach.
And at this point, I don’t believe that there is anything more that I can do to reduce the size in a significant manner without having a negative impact elsewhere.
We are not done yet, however. We are done with the size aspect, but we also have much to do in terms of performance and optimizations for runtime.
In the meantime, you can see my full code here. In the next post, we are going to start talking about the actual machine code and how we can optimize it.